Saturday 14 May 2016


Kalau kira-kira dari sekarang, tinggal lagi 46 hari before I'm going back for good. Tak lah jauh kat oversea, tapi Sarawak ke Semenanjung tu kira merentas sea jugak lah. Bukan tahap kau boleh balik tiap minggu. Yang paling risau sekali sebab bulan Mei ni banyak deadline. Hmmm, tak lah banyak cuma ada 2 projek and 2 assignment. Yang projek tu yang buat hati tak tenang.

I just can't wait to end my degree. Rasa tak boleh cope lagi dengan engineering ni. Kalau ambik Master nanti (inshaAllah), belum pasti lagi nak sambung engineering. Sebenarnya bukan lah tak sabar sangat nak habis belajar, in fact I'm thinking to do double degree. Tapi tak nak engineering. Definitely no. Cerita pasal eng ni tak boleh bongkak sangat, kang aku jugak terhegeh-hegeh sambung master eng jugak, terhegeh-hegeh nak ambil PE. Puihhh!

It has been almost 5 years I'm living in Sarawak. Sejak asasi lagi masa 2011. Rasa wow sangat. Hahha! 5 tahun ni adalah tahun mengenal diri. Tahun mencari siapa sebenarnya aku nak jadi. Tapi tak nak cerita pasal diri, aku tengah tak sedap hati. Nanti-nanti dah habis semua ni baru nak serius menulis balik.

Masa sekolah dulu, aku tak pernah terfikir nak jadi engineer. Even sekarang ni pun kalau lepas degree aku tak rasa nak jadi engineer. But there's certain circumstances I can't avoid. Masa isi UPU lepas SPM tu, semua pilihan 1-7 adalah asasi sains hayat, cuma yang pilihan ke-8 aku letak sains fizikal. Saja.

Yang 'saja' tu yang padan muka.

So I'm here struggling my final year. Tak adalah struggle sangat pun. Relax je final year ni. Kelas pun berapa kali je seminggu. Tidur je banyak, Kalau duduk rumah pun belum tentu aku dapat tidur macam sekarang. Hahha!

Sem 8 ni antara sem banyak makan. Ke memang aku banyak makan setiap sem? Macam betul. Tapi antara penyebab stress bila kau suka makan tapi kau gain weight cepat.

Pape pun untuk tak nak nampak entry ni too dull, aku persembahkan antara makanan yang banyak karbo itew.

Secret Recipe!


Thai Chicken Rice!

Hot & Spicy Potato Story!

Chocolate Brownies!


Pau Kari!

Churros with Choc Sauce!


Ok kawan-kawan! Mari beramai-ramai mendoakan supaya NurulHafiza dapat kurus tahun ni. Semoga NurulHafiza dapat grad dengan cemerlang dan cantik selalu. Okbai.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Weird Goal.

I am having a quite weird relationship goal. But mind you, the readers; I am single. This is what I feel about my future relationship.

I always treasure my family more than you can imagine. I love to be at home, and I prefer not to be disturb when I am home. Sometimes, I forgot where I put my handphone and when is the last time I checked my phone. I love to online but not to be called. Every day, even if I start my day late as I am not a morning person, I will start with a breakfast and then rather than watching a TV or going out, I prefer to be with my mom. Talking to her, helping her to cook and such.

So, back to the main topic about my relationship goal, I always thought of having an orphan as my future husband. It is not that I cannot cope by having an in law, it is just that I would love it more if I can always be at home with my family. Like, you know going back for Raya for example so that my parents’ home is always the choice.

But, it was when I do not think thoroughly back then. Heee.. 
Now, I think it will be great to have a big family even though this weird goal is still lingering in my mind. Bhahaha!

Moral of the story, this is my boring entry. Just trying to warm up after not writing anything for a long time.

And !
I am already in my final year. Please pray for my final year journey will be smooth and I can graduate on time. I did not go back home for my mid-semester break, so I am very looking forward to meet my family in July, few days before Raya! Teheee..!!

The best thing is I already finished my study at that time and I can enjoy my one-month Raya to the fullest.

Till then.