There was a time when i feel backstabbed by my friend. When I thought everything will turn out to be okay, suddenly my friend did not do it as what it should be. I completely feeling down thinking that i have been left out. For my record, I thought of them not being what friends are supposed to be or do. But, for theirs, I don’t know because I am not a person who will ask directly and ask for a reason. I hate reasons. I hate excuses.
Asking directly is for sure leads to a bigger miscommunication and misunderstanding. And I don’t want it to be happens because I am not a person who like to apologize later to clear the problem.
It was when I pray then suddenly I realized something. The first situation with my friends was because I feel left out when they were not or maybe they forgot to tell me the thing that I remind them.
And I relate the situation with my relationship with my Creator.
The thing is, I also did not do what my Creator asked me. He keeps reminding me to pray, to do good deeds, to be sincere person and such. The adzan itself is a reminder for me to pray but I always delay in performing my prayers.
So, why should I pissed off on my friend because of them not doing what I remind them while myself not doing what Allah reminds me?
I keep asking myself not to write any personal thing here.
But it is hard to resist.
Ooo Allah, give me some peace.