Thursday 29 October 2015

My two-cents while waiting for Subuh.

There was a time when i feel backstabbed by my friend. When I thought everything will turn out to be okay, suddenly my friend did not do it as what it should be. I completely feeling down thinking that i have been left out. For my record, I thought of them not being what friends are supposed to be or do. But, for theirs, I don’t know because I am not a person who will ask directly and ask for a reason. I hate reasons. I hate excuses.

Asking directly is for sure leads to a bigger miscommunication and misunderstanding. And I don’t want it to be happens because I am not a person who like to apologize later to clear the problem.

It was when I pray then suddenly I realized something. The first situation with my friends was because I feel left out when they were not or maybe they forgot to tell me the thing that I remind them.

And I relate the situation with my relationship with my Creator.

The thing is, I also did not do what my Creator asked me. He keeps reminding me to pray, to do good deeds, to be sincere person and such. The adzan itself is a reminder for me to pray but I always delay in performing my prayers.

So, why should I pissed off on my friend because of them not doing what I remind them while myself not doing what Allah reminds me?

I keep asking myself not to write any personal thing here.
But it is hard to resist.

Ooo Allah, give me some peace.

Wednesday 7 October 2015


This is a huge comeback i think.

Thinking that I haven’t write anything for almost a year in this blog.
I miss writing. I miss sharing. I miss everything related to word.

I’ve been having a depression this year.. Depression? I guess so..
And i refuse to do anything i love, for instant like update my blog.

Ok, enough with my future husband language. Bhahahaha

Yeay, dah final year!

Of course. Banyak benda berlaku.

And this semester gonna be a tough one.. Next semester as well.
Ada FYP, IDP and subjects that I’m sure I’m not so really into it.

Dah 22 tahun.
InshaAllah will be graduated by next year. Hope so.
About to think seriously about what is my future plan.
Before ni fikir jugak, tapi tak lah kisah mana. Haha

Some of my friends planning to do their master after finish the degree which I’m not.
Sebab aku masih lagi berfikir. Masih terasa penatnya belajar. Kahkah

It feels good to have someone to pray for you.
Pray for me to be a good person.

Nampak tak. Tak teratur giler. Kejap cakap pasal lain, kejap pasal lain.

Just so you know, I’m still alive.