Sunday 29 March 2020

Goodbye, 2019.

If I were to write 'Goodbye 2019' entry, is it still valid yet?
Haha. Who cares? I'm writing it anyway..

I never wanted to turn back time, but now if I were to ask such question I'd say I do.
Back to when I was 12 year old, so that I can study harder and be better.
And take extra care of my figure. Bhahahaa

I'm good to be where I am now, to be who I am now.
I learned a lot especially when I start working back into 2016.

People management.
Anger management.
Food management. Eh?

Cuma I lack a lot in time management. Camtulah manusia suka take for granted of everything.. (me blaming manusia for own lack) Haha.

I met lots of great people.
I selalu doa I dikelilingi orang-orang yang baik and Alhamdulillah I do surround by great people.
And minta Allah jauhkan dari orang-orang yang tak mendatangkan manfaat.

I traveled a lot around Malaysia.
Sebab outstation kerja, short vacay with family & girl friends and attend wedding some more.
And I ate a lot also followed my parents attend weddings.

So, saja je lah nak recap what I did and where I went throughout the past year.
Sebab dah lama tak polish tangan menulis kat blog even people are into vlog now. Haha.
Here we go..

JAN 2019

I purchased my first house. Second hand house. Yeay!

FEB 2019

I went to Kedah for short vacay with my friends.
Picture shown was tapak candi located in Sg Petani.

 MAC 2019

Me in Langkawi for short vacay with mom, sister and brother.

APRIL 2019

My best friend got engaged. Weee~~~

MAY 2019
I was busy working and preparing for Eid.  Just visualised in your head I went buying new baju kurung and stuff.

JUN 2019

Raya Aidilfitri. Yeahhhh~~~

JULY 2019

This was my first time eating mykori. Not bad :)

 AUGUST 2019

My close friends and I were celebrating Izyan before she ties the knot.

Izyan got married end of the month.

SEPT 2019

Went to Terengganu for a short vacay.

OCT 2019

Oct was a month that was full with wedding.
Accompanied my parents to the wedding. This one was at Melaka.

Another wedding. This one was at Asahan which located at the border of Melaka and Negeri Sembilan. So I don't know which state Asahan is in. Too lazy to google.

And another wedding. Melaka.

NOV 2019

I think I did great job going for a walk at Taman Saujana (is that its name? lupa...) right after had a breakfast of roti canai (a lot) with my friends.

DEC 2019

Another wedding with my parents. This one was at Johor Bharu.

And wedding again why so many I know I love to eat but what is this?

Last year was a year that was full of weddings. Me, being a clingy daughter and decided to follow my parents everywhere. Hiks
Also I did another stuff just got lazy to transfer the picture from my phone. Because I'm sure no one interested enough to know what I did every single day last year or else give me you number so that I can send all my pictures. Wooohh~~

Ok cukup with all the months. Bye everyone.

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