Thursday 31 December 2015

Goodbye, 2015.

Dah berapa lama tak menulis. Perasaan dia? Waw!

So that you know, I’m already half way from my end of school. I mean for undergraduate sesh. Who knows I might think to pursue for Master, right? Currently, I am in my first semester of final year. And, now is already examination week.
...also in my counting down the days before going back home. Tehee!

I remember my last serious entry (I mean the way I pour my heart when I wrote it) is about the summary of year 2014. And now, it is already the end of 2015. How time flies, isn’t it? =)

And for sure, I deal with many things till the thought of stopping to blog. Frankly speaking, my 2015 is full of dealing with heartbreak, relationship, faith, trust and emotional things. I really do learn many things throughout this year. And it was not easy.

When I started blogging back then, I really hope that every entry that I wrote at least gives a positive vibe to the people whom read it. If the readers cannot relate the entry with their life, at least they are not feel any negativity through my writing. Or at least they could smile reading my writing.

And I stopped. Because I really did not have any positive vibes anymore. I did not know what to write and what to share. I really gave up on my writing. Writing is always be my passion since I was in my secondary school. While dealing with all those emotional things, I stopped as the passion grows no more. It really broke my heart when I know I cannot even write anything since I once able to write spontaneously back then. Because writing is my passion and the passion helps me to be more me.

Forget the past, take the lessons. I hope 2016 will show my brighter side, more lively and real.

So, now...
Let me welcome our next year, 2016!
Let's be better. Let's be more human. Let's be more positive. Let's be more ourselves.

Those things I dealt with, to all the person involved in giving me the chances to look back what life is, I sincerely thank all of you. Family, friends and strangers. Either the heart break or the sweetness of life, I can not thank you enough for giving me the lessons. Because throughout the lessons, I learned important thing called, ‘life’.
Thank you. =)

Till then, barakallahu fiik.

Thursday 29 October 2015

My two-cents while waiting for Subuh.

There was a time when i feel backstabbed by my friend. When I thought everything will turn out to be okay, suddenly my friend did not do it as what it should be. I completely feeling down thinking that i have been left out. For my record, I thought of them not being what friends are supposed to be or do. But, for theirs, I don’t know because I am not a person who will ask directly and ask for a reason. I hate reasons. I hate excuses.

Asking directly is for sure leads to a bigger miscommunication and misunderstanding. And I don’t want it to be happens because I am not a person who like to apologize later to clear the problem.

It was when I pray then suddenly I realized something. The first situation with my friends was because I feel left out when they were not or maybe they forgot to tell me the thing that I remind them.

And I relate the situation with my relationship with my Creator.

The thing is, I also did not do what my Creator asked me. He keeps reminding me to pray, to do good deeds, to be sincere person and such. The adzan itself is a reminder for me to pray but I always delay in performing my prayers.

So, why should I pissed off on my friend because of them not doing what I remind them while myself not doing what Allah reminds me?

I keep asking myself not to write any personal thing here.
But it is hard to resist.

Ooo Allah, give me some peace.

Wednesday 7 October 2015


This is a huge comeback i think.

Thinking that I haven’t write anything for almost a year in this blog.
I miss writing. I miss sharing. I miss everything related to word.

I’ve been having a depression this year.. Depression? I guess so..
And i refuse to do anything i love, for instant like update my blog.

Ok, enough with my future husband language. Bhahahaha

Yeay, dah final year!

Of course. Banyak benda berlaku.

And this semester gonna be a tough one.. Next semester as well.
Ada FYP, IDP and subjects that I’m sure I’m not so really into it.

Dah 22 tahun.
InshaAllah will be graduated by next year. Hope so.
About to think seriously about what is my future plan.
Before ni fikir jugak, tapi tak lah kisah mana. Haha

Some of my friends planning to do their master after finish the degree which I’m not.
Sebab aku masih lagi berfikir. Masih terasa penatnya belajar. Kahkah

It feels good to have someone to pray for you.
Pray for me to be a good person.

Nampak tak. Tak teratur giler. Kejap cakap pasal lain, kejap pasal lain.

Just so you know, I’m still alive.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Borneo Highland, Sarawak. Checked!

Yeyyy! Akhirnya! Akhirnya! Akhirnya aku menulis jugak. Kau faham tak perasaan dia macam mana? Macam bunga api nak sambut merdeka meletop letop sebelah kau. Haha! Over sangat.
Aku ingat aku menulis balik lepas grad je. Haha..

Sekarang ni Sem 5. Spesifiknya Sem 1 untuk Tahun 3. Gittew~~~

Dia punya busy, perghhh tak yah citer lah. Sampai nak fikir homesick pun tak sempat. Kau faham tak macam mana? Macam kau nak balik sebab homesick, tapi kau asyik terlupa je kau homesick. Hahaha

Aku punya giler pun dah naik level. Adalah dalam dua level dia lompat. Tapi masih ok. Belum kritikal. Sebab apa giler? Sebab assignment, projek, test berlambak...

Tapi, walaupun aku lupa aku homesick... aku tak lupa lah untuk gi cuti.
Sebab tak balik so kita gunakan untuk bercuti. Destinasi pilihan...?


Tak. Aku waras lagi.

Aku bercuti kat Sarawak je. Kat mana?

Kat sini...
Borneo Highland, Sarawak.

Aku pergi untuk 2 hari 1 malam. =)
Tapi nak sampai ke sini punyalah... ya ampun jalannya..

Tapi, alhamdulillah sampai jugak. Tehee..!

First sekali akan berhenti kat postguard pastu pak guard nanti tanya;

"Adik manis mahu pergi mana?" sambil kenyit mata.


Pak guard tanya nak check-in atau tak. Kalau tak check-in kena bayar RM8 per person. Kitorang cakaplah nak check-in pastu dia tanya dah booking ke belum. Disebabkan kitorang belum booking siap siap, tu yang berhenti kat situ call orang atas kata nak check-in. Then barulah pak guard melepaskan kami dengan senyuman manisnya.

Kat sini ada dua pilihan sama ada nak bermalam di resort atau jungle cabin. Kat resort ada restoran tapi kat jungle cabin tu tak de. Hah, pastu datang sini kena bawak makanan siap-siap unless kau sanggup makan kat restoran resort yang mahal itteww.
So kitorang pilih nak jungle cabin ini yang berharga RM150 sehari.

Kami bilik No. 7

Sangat puas hati sebab bilik dia besar. Even kitorang 4 orang pun still selesa.

Ada keetle, drinking water, cawan, pastu apa ntah lagi disediakan... Kira selesalah semua. Bilik air pun besar, cuma tak ada gambar.

Ni view dari luar.
Masa kitorang sampai tu dah tengahari. So lepas solat, makan, lepak-lepak kejap atas katil terus siap nak keluar.

Muka pencinta alam habis dah ni. Padahal.....
p/s: Maafkan hidung saya yang tak mancung itu.

Ni model sambilan saya.

Yang gambar atas ni limit kawasan bagi yang tak check in. Sampai sini je pastu boleh pulang ye.

Inilah dia gambar kanak-kanak riang yang bercuti itu.

Waktu kitorang datang kalau tak silap weekday. Tu yang gaya 'kawasan-ini-aku-yang-punya'.
Dah puas melawat kawasan, marilah kita pulang. Malam itu dipenuhi dengan aktiviti ketawa sepanjang masa.

Esok tu lepas Subuh dan lepas terketar-ketar dengan kesejukan, kitorang keluar jalan-jalan kat situ balik. Orang exited tengok kabus kan...

Inilah dia orang yang tak mandi dan terus keluar tu. Ini dia.

Kita bagi dia fefeeling model bunga.
Bunga misai kucing. Miawww~~~

Tengahari tu kitorag checkout. Sebelum tu sempat singgah lagi nak ambik gambar punya pasal.

Kalimantan View Point.

Belah sinun namanya Kalimantan. Kira ayat tipikal orang bagi, kalau kau jatuh mesti orang kata,

"Arwah meninggal kat luar negara."

Sebab memang ni betul-betul sempadan Kalimantan dengan Sarawak.

Nampak tak gaya tu? Gaya pencinta bunga kan?
Tapi gaya hanyalah gaya. Aku dengan bunga jarang boleh buat satu ayat.
Kecuali kalau ayat tu;

"Hafiza dan bunga tidak boleh disamakan sama sekali"

Ok, ayat ni pass.

Air terjun ni tepi jalan.
Tu je caption yang mampu.

Lepas tu kami pulang.