Friday 10 May 2013

Di Waktu Tengahari Yang Comel.

I really want to say this. Mungkin orang boleh kata kita tak tahu apa masalah dia tapi I'm not judging tapi bila benda ni berlaku it makes me thinking this way.
Terfikir macam ni. No offense. Terfikir je.

When you are marrying someone, is it having a children is your aim? So after a year if you didn't manage to get one, you gonna marry other woman?
Why don't you just telling it from the start?

"No child, I'm gonna marry other woman."

Woman should get ready. No offspring, yours will be taken. Your husband., dah nak study week! Get a life Nurul Hafiza.

"Nikmat Allah mana yang kamu dustakan?"

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